Clinics & Services
Asthma/COPD/Diabetic Clinic
All clinics are carried out by our fully trained nurse. Appointments can be made by telephone or at reception.
Cervical Smear/ Well Woman Clinic
The practice is keen to promote prevention of women’s diseases. It is important therefore, that a cervical smear is carried out every 3 to 5 years. The practice nurse is available to carry out smears at the treatment room Monday _+ Wednesday afternoon by appointment.
Baby Clinic
Our health visitor, Annmarie, usually provides a baby clinic each Tuesday afternoon 14:00 – 14:45 to weigh babies and give general advice.
Family Planning
Treatment will be provided by any of the doctors.
Minor Surgery
The nurses provide a cautery clinic. A visiting surgeon carries out a monthly surgery clinic, appointments booked through practice doctors.
Drug Monitoring Clinic
The practice runs its own warfarin clinic and also monitors specialised drugs initiated in hospital that require regular blood checks; details on request.
Health Checks for the Over 45’s
Consultations are available for patients who haven’t attended in the past 5 years.
Adults are advised to have current tetanus and polio protection every 10 years.
Travel Clinic 
Holiday vaccinations can also be organised by the practice nurse.
More details can be obtained from the above tab and advice from the